
These tricks help you prevent bloating

It isn’t just painful. Being bloated may also leave you feeling bothered. Find out how to prevent bloating and get rid of the problem!

Bloating is a well-known phenomenon. More than half of the gas in our system stems from air that we have swallowed. The rest is a result of the gut bacteria doing its job and simultaneously producing gas as a biproduct. Regardless of its origin, a packed stomach really sucks, and you can benefit from finding out how to prevent bloating to begin with.


The most common causes of bloating

There may be countless reasons to get bloated. Amongst the most common ones we see sparkling drinks, chewing gum, rushed eating and poor chewing. These things make you swallow more air, causing you to get bloated. Sitting still and being inactive also aggravates the condition. Stress may also be a trigger. In addition, some foods may provoke bloating too:

  • Legumes suck as lentils, beans and peas.
  • Vegetables such as brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli.
  • Fruits like prunes, peaches, apples and bananas.
  • Milk and milk products.
prevent bloating
Bloating may be closely related to your diet.


How can you prevent bloating?

Bloating is no fun condition to find oneself in. It is usually harmless, yet the discomfort accompanying it won’t serve you no good. Luckily, there is often-time ways to affect the causes of the bloating. If you are stressed, handling the stressful events and finding productive ways to manage them on will benefit you. By lowering the stress level, you could prevent bloating. You will have better time to eat, chew properly, and simply give the body better working condition.

Getting up and moving may also help prevent bloating. Activity for you means activity for your gut and digestion too. You see, the physical activity stimulates the bowels activity too. Therefore, being in activity regularly helps prevent bloating. If you have a still-sitting job you can achieve a lot by simply having active breaks throughout the day. Stretch out, run the stairs or just walk fast when going from A to B.


Healthy toilet habits

It might sound strange but having good toilet habits may do wonders to prevent bloating. By suppressing the natural urge to get rid of the gas you will eventually lose sense of when it is actually necessary. Try to find more constructive ways of getting rid of the gas instead. Don’t keep it to yourself forever, it won’t do anything but to make you feel bloated and perhaps lead to constipation. Go to the toilet when you need to to prevent bloating, and limit the foods increasing gas production when you find yourself in situations not suitable for gas releave.

prevent bloating
Having good toilet habits may keep you from getting bloated.


Dietary supplement to prevent bloating

Vita Woman is a dietary supplement especially developed for women and their well-being. The active ingredients prevent plagues typically associated with their menstruation cycle, there amongst bloating. The level of fatty acids, magnesium and calcium carbonate prevent bloating and makes you feel better. Read more about Vita Woman and how it might help you here.



