
Increase your metabolism with these simple steps

To increase your metabolism may be a brilliant tool to lose some weight. But how can you manage it on your own? We’ve got the answer!

Metabolism is an individualized thing. Each body has its own recipe, and there are differences between ever single human being. But there are also some common denominators. Our metabolism is two folded, where one process takes place while we are resting, the other when we are being active. The resting part is called basal metabolic, and is the work performed by the metabolism while we rest. Amongst these duties we find such tasks as pumping blood to the body’s organs and heat production, all demanding calories for fuel. The other part of our metabolism takes place when we are active, where the body is demanding calories to execute tasks like walking, running or lifting.


If you want to increase your metabolism, you may find it comforting to know that nature gave you a couple aces up your sleeve;


  1. muscles claims more energy

A kilo of muscles uses more energy in terms of calories, than a kilo of fat. This means that by substituting some fat with muscles, you will naturally get an increase in your metabolism. And it’s not just active muscles taking their bigger share for the calories. Also resting muscles will put greater demand on the number of calories just to keep functioning also when not performing.

muscles increase metabolism


  1. Spice it up

Much can be said about chili as a booster for your metabolism. You won’t necessarily find agreement as to whether or not the spice itself makes the biggest difference, but the indirect effect is clear. If you chose strong spices like chili and the like instead of energy rich foods like sour cream, sauce and such, the total calorie intake will be lower.


  1. Get enough vegetables

Fiber is an important contributor in the process of metabolism. It will affect which nutrition gets used and to what extent. No-one can disagree that a well-functioning metabolism system will indeed be more efficient and thereby increase.


  1. Be aware of fluid intake

It is easy to forget to get enough fluids during the day. Your body won’t work on just dries, so you must assure a satisfying amount of fluids to guarantee a functioning body. Water is the best source, and you should aim at a daily intake of 2 to 2 ½ liters. Water will indirectly increase your metabolism by making sure you don’t get dehydrated and thereby perform more poorly.

water will increase metabolism


  1. Feed your muscles with proteins

Muscles need proteins not just to increase, but also to be maintained. Protein metabolism is demanding, and more calories will be assigned this duty than to keep your fat up and running. As you might remember, muscles demand more energy than fat, and you will therefore increase your metabolism by assuring a satisfying intake of proteins!



