Why should you get your dose of beta carotene?

Beta carotene is a coloring pigment within the carotenoids. It can release vitamin A, which is good for our skin and sight. Also, it can contribute to a golden tan in addition to its role as a source of antioxidants. More arguments why you should get your dose of beta carotene? It can make you both tan, and healthy!

A golden tan and great health should be considered valid arguments as to why you should get your dose of beta carotene. As already mentioned, it is a source of antioxidants, which function as the body’s soldiers in the war against disease. The red, yellow and orange coloring pigments can be found naturally in a wide selection of plants. As a rule of thumb, you might memorize that the stronger the color of the food, the more antioxidants. Spinach, tomato, broccoli, carrots and papaya are all sources rich in beta carotene.

correct dose of beta carotene makes you tan


Royal Tan – if you desire a golden, strong, healthy skin

A valid beta carotene product is the supplement Royal Tan. It assures a deep, golden tan, and naturally takes care of your skin and nails. Let us give you three good reasons to choose Royal Tan:

  1. Golden, not yellow!

Many experiences getting a yellow-ish tan instead of the golden brown when using beta carotene supplements. This has to do with the supplements consisting of mostly beta carotene itself, a yellow color pigment giving its tone to the skin. Royal Tan holds black carrot, a darker color pigment containing anthocyanins. This counteracts the yellow color that beta carotene alone contributes to, and gives instead a deep, golden tan to your skin.

why you should get beta carotene


  1. Healthy skin!

Royal Tan contains collagen and zinc. Our skin consists of 75% collagen, which is a substance crucial to keep your skin soft and smooth. Besides, collagen makes sure to strengthen your hair, joints, tendons, and muscles, in addition to its role in keeping other organs healthy and functioning. Zinc hinders wrinkles and dry skin, as well as joining the war against stretchmarks. Just as collegene, zinc also strengthens your hair, and also your nails. This makes Royal Tan more than a beta carotene, it’s also a beauty product!

  1. Strengthen your immune system!

Royal Tan contains copper, which increases the transportation of fresh oxygen to cells and tissue around the body. Beta carotene is also rich in antioxidants, pretty useful in the battle against disease. Quite an argument as to why you should get your dose of beta carotene, we would say!

Your body will profit from having beta carotene provided. Both skin, hair and the immune system can benefit greatly by the coloring pigment. If you also desire a deep, lasting tan you should certainly look into how Royal Tan can help you get the result you wish for. Read more and order here.




