
These are the foods that make you bloated

It’s typical. You get bloated when you least need it. The reasons can be many and here are the most typical sinners.

When the stomach feels like a balloon and your pants no longer fit as well as it did only minutes ago, something is happening inside your body. Most of us experience being bloated, some more often than others. It can be caused by food allergy, but often-time the reason is something else. These are the typical foods that make you bloated:

  • Beans, lentils and peas
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, kale and onion
  • Artificial sweetener
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Prunes, apricot and apples
  • Foods rich in fiber
foods that make you bloated
Being bloated is both uncomfortable and painful.


Why do you get bloated?

As mentioned, there may be many reasons why you get bloated. Amongst the most common ones is air. Some foods that make you bloated simply cause an increase in gas production in your bowles. These foods are often good for you and should not be removed from your diet. Rather, you can make use of the advices further down the article.

Other reasons for the stomach to expand can be food allergy and/or stress. All stomachs don’t handle all food well. If you constantly experience it is the same foods that make you bloated, you might simply react to them. Stress also causes bloating. It often relates to the fact that we rarely chew our food well enough and that we swallow lots of air when we are stressed. Besides, stress causes the body to mainly focus on being in fight or flight mode, and the blood supply to your digestive system just isn’t on that priority list. Too little water may also be a sinner, so make sure to get 6-8 glasses of water every day.

foods that make you bloated
Stress is a common cause for bloating. Take your time to eat, don’t just throw it in you.


Typical reasons for bloating run down to:

  • Foods that increase gas production in the bowels
  • Food allergy
  • Stress
  • Too little water


How can you prevent bloating?

When the damage has already happened, you usually have to just wait it out. Yet there are a couple things that may speed up the process:

  • Get moving
  • Stress down


Movement moves gasses around and gives your system a chance to rebalance. It may be uncomfortable in the beginning, but you will get rid of the bloating faster than if you sit still. The other tip is to stress down and let tension go to let the stomach work in peace and quiet. In addition, there are numerous things you can do pre-bloating:

  • Get moving regularly. Your digestion benefits from you moving around.
  • Drink enough water. Fluids help making the foods a little more manageable for your bowels and makes the nutrients more available.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep is closely related to stress, and a lower stress level is beneficial for your digestion.
  • Eat fiber. Fiber is a frequent element in foods that make you bloated, but they are absolutely crucial for a well-functioning digestion.
  • Get probiotics. These creates balance in your gut bacteria and improves your digestion.
prevent bloating
Probiotics creates a healthy balance in your bowels. Greek yoghurt is a superb way of getting them.


Avoid the common pitfalls

In a busy everyday life, there are more things than just foods that make you bloated. The most common causes are easily summed up:


1: You throw down your food

Take your time when having a meal. Don’t throw it in you while on the move but calm down instead and let the process take the time it needs. When you throw down your food you don’t take the time to chew it properly. Thereby, you’ve given your digestion trouble already by making it impossible for it to handle the food in a constructive way. In other words, it’s not just foods that make you bloated, but the way you eat it too.

foods that make you bloated


2: You have carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks are the definition of bubbles, and you let it into your digestion without a single worry. Some sparkly drinks from time to time isn’t necessarily wrong, but keep in mind that this is a very common cause of the famous balloon effect.


3: You chew gum

The packaging sure says bubble gum is going to give you stronger teeth and prevent damage. Still it is a good idea to be aware that you swallow a lot of air when you chew gum and lots of air means bloated stomach.


Bloating and PMS

Many women experience discomfort and pain in relation to their menstruation cycle. Hence, it doesn’t necessarily relate to foods that make you bloated. It may instead be a part of a typical PMS picture. The dietary supplement contains ingredients that contradicts bloating and discomfort. Vita Woman is developed to lower the symptoms women commonly suffer from throughout the cycle. Read more about Vita Woman here.



