How to get rid of cravings

To get rid of cravings and hunger can be a real challenge. Your brain is rewarding you when eating sweet and energy rich food and doesn’t separate much between whether it’s healthy nuts or the somewhat less healthy piece of chocolate. Sugar and sweets aren’t good for us. But how can we get rid of the cravings? We give you 6 tips to help you!


  1. Make healthy snacks for the evening

So often we start craving something in the night after a long day. When the evening finally arrives, and we can snuggle up with our favorite series it’s just so very tempting to have some goodies on the side. And that’s fine. Just make sure to change the less healthy goodies with healthier ones. Change chips and chocolate for raw, unsalted nuts, vegetables and dip, or perhaps ham and melon? By removing the bad stuff in benefit for some healthier alternatives it is a lot easier to get rid of cravings.

healthy snack to get rid of cravings


  1. Eat slow carbs

Your blood sugar will stay more stable when fed slow carbs than fast. This has to do with the energy in the fast carbs being so easily accessible, meaning the body won’t have to spend a lot of time breaking them down. The saying “what comes easy goes easy” rules though, and the fast carbs will not only give energy fast, it will also spend it fast. By eating slow carbs instead, you will get rid of the cravings rather than feeding them, as your body will spend more time breaking it down and using it. This way you will keep your blood sugar more stable, and thereby hinder cravings.

slow carbs help get rid of cravings


  1. Avoid sweets for the next week

Offsetting your cravings can be a very effective way to get rid of cravings. What happens is that when you’ve resisted sweets for a while, your body will get satisfied at a lower level when the sweets are reintroduced. The taste of sweet is found in more than just candy and sweets, so avoiding artificial sweeteners, juice, and large amounts of fruits must also be limited through the week of offset. You will feel the difference fast, so stay strong for a short while, and you may heavily reduce your cravings!

avoid sweets to get rid of cravings


  1. Have some tea

Tea comes in so many flavors. Additionally, there is just so much coziness surrounding a freshly brewed cup of tea and the newest episode of your show! Licorice, fennel and cinnamon are alternatives that can get rid of your cravings. Make yourself a good cup of tea for the evening, and enjoy it with some sliced carrot or cucumber, and you will certainly get the same level of coziness with less unhealthy stuff.

have some tea to get rid of cravings


  1. Balance your diet

The most efficient way to get rid of cravings is by assuring a balanced intake of the “right” foods. If you keep a stable intake of minerals, proteins and food that stabilizes your blood sugar, you’re far ahead to get rid of cravings. Wholegrain, vegetables, nuts, sea food and pure meat are good and healthy sources of a balanced diet.

et balansert kosthold hjelper deg å bli kvitt søtsuget


  1. Go for a walk

So many poets tell about walking as the best medicine. It is absolutely outstanding as medicine to make the cravings go away. By getting up and away from the surroundings triggering your cravings you stand a much better chance of avoiding it, and you have made a conscious decision that puts you in control of them. Besides, your brain will reward you for staying active, and it will activate the same rewarding system as if you were eating a piece of chocolate. Fresh air is remarkable well suited to let your thoughts wander too. Away from sugar and sweets, to concentrate on the things surrounding you. Seek places that gives you quiet and calm, and you will experience a stress reduction in several areas.


Royal Burner is an efficient tool against hunger and cravings. The dietary supplement holds active ingredients that makes it easier to get rid of cravings. Read more and order here.



