
Get rid of bingo wings in just 10 minutes

Toned arms aren’t just esthetically pleasant. It is also functional and handy through any normal day. See how you can benefit from these easy exercises.

Are you tired of wiggly arms? The expression “bingo wings” describe the hanging fat underneath your upper arm and is rarely found in anybody’s wish list. Yet, it is far from uncommon. Many believes it will take tremendous amounts of work to tighten and tone the arms and couldn’t be further from the truth. You can get rid of bingo wings in just 10 minutes if you commit to these exercises regularly:


1: Dips

get rid of bingo wings

A truly effective exercise to tighten the backs of your arms and thereby get rid of bingo wings. Besides, you strengthen the upper body as a whole which gives you more muscle mass and improved metabolism.

How to:

Place your hands on a bench or elevated subject behind you. Keep your arms straight and the legs extended in front of you. Lower your body and push it back up again. Make sure not to point your elbows sideways. Rather, keep them pointing backwards. Do minimum 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.



2: Biceps curl with weights

get rid of bingo wings

Both biceps and triceps must get to work if you’re going to tame and get rid of bingo wings once and for all. Biceps curl with weights is a classic exercise that will help you reach your goal.

How to:

Stand up tall and grab a manual in each hand. Keep them hanging along your side. Pull the weights upwards while turning the underarm during the movement, so that your hands are pointing towards your face at the top. Press well together and lower the weight slowly back to bottom. Do 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions each for each arm.



3: Push-up

get rid of bingo wings with easy exercises

A classic you cannot go without. If you’re going to get rid of bingo wings you simply have to do what it takes. Push-ups is a simple and efficient exercise.

How to:

Lay down resting on your toes and straight arms. Lower yourself slow and controlled to the floor before pushing yourself back up again. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.



4: Walking plank

get rid of bingo wings

The plank is a versatile exercise that comes in many variations. Walking plank challenges your strength in both arms and core and is absolutely brilliant to get rid of bingo wings.

How to:

Get in push-up position. Keep your eyes to the floor to avoid straining the neck – your head is going to be a natural lengthening of your spine. Keep your body completely straight and activate your core to keep stable. Go down on your left elbow, then right elbow, back up again on your left arm, and then back up again on your right arm. Do 4 sets of 6 repetitions each. Make sure to change starting arm for each set so that you don’t always go down left side first.


You can run these exercises as a circuit training. In that case, do one set of each exercise until you’ve been through them all, and then do a new round. This allows some of the muscles to rest between sets.



