
Why you should eat more yogurt – benefits for health and weight

Yogurt is good for more than just breakfast. It is a source to several nutrients and studies show that yogurt can be beneficial when you want to lose some weight. Check why you should eat more yogurt.

Yogurt is like a hidden treasure. It can be used in countless recipes, taste just as good for breakfast as for evening food and can easily be brought for lunch. This tasty product certainly needs to be part of your diet. The health directorate recommend a daily intake of 3 portions lean dairy products. That’s a proper reason why you should eat more yogurt!

eat more yogurt
Yogurt is good for your health and should be part of your diet.


Why is yogurt good for you?

The soured dairy product is a source to several nutrients. It is especially rich in:

  • Necessary for building muscles and to keep you satiated.
  • Strengthens your bones and may contribute to regulating energy and fat balance.
  • Good for your metabolism and for the development of brain and nervous system in smaller kids.

60% of the intake of calcium and iodine comes from milk and dairy products. You should therefore eat more yogurt to get these nutrients covered. Yogurt also contains healthy gut bacteria to support your digestion and make it work properly.


Yogurt and weight-loss

Several studies show a positive effect of yogurt when losing weight. More studies are needed but some theories are already being developed. Yogurt is added some bacteria that seem to have positive effects for weight-loss and general health. In addition, the level of calcium can have an effect on the regulation of energy and fat balance by reducing the amount of fat that gets stored. Besides, the protein itself is a good enough reason for you to eat more yogurt. It keeps you satiated for longer, preventing you to overeat.

eat more yogurt
Yogurt contains important nutrients and can easily be spiced up with even more of them!


Yogurt as a sugar bomb – myth dismissed

We’ve all heard about the yogurt being described as a sugar bomb. The label is truly undeserved. Sure, you can find yogurt that blows the sugar scale, but it is absolutely no problem finding the types with little or no added sugar either. The selection in this category is huge!

Did you know natural yogurt is brilliant for cooking? Tzatziki is a type of dressing much used in Greek and Turkey. It is based on yogurt and is suitable for both fish, meat and salads. Exchange sauce and unhealthy dressings with this one and you’ll have a delicious alternative good for both taste and health. Never made tzatziki before? It’s super easy and a perfect way to get to eat more yogurt! Try this recipe:

You need:

  • 3 dl Greek yogurt
  • 1 ½ cucumber
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp pepper

How to do it:

Split the cucumber and remove the seeds. Rasp cucumber and add salt. Leave it for 5-10 minutes before squeezing out the water. The less water, the firmer the tzatziki. Mix cucumber with finely chopped garlic and stir it with the yogurt. Add pepper as desired.

Tip: Try adding some grated lemon peel for a twist. If you want a dressed-up version, top it with pieces of cucumber or some parsley.

eat more yogurt



