D-vitamin and why you need it!
When our skin gets exposed to sun, a natural production of D-vitamin begins. But why do you need D-vitamin?
D-vitamin serves several purposes in our body. The answer to why you need D-vitamin is that the vitamin contributes to a more resilient immune system, stronger bones, and that it keeps your muscles healthy. The most important source of vitamin D is sunlight, which let’s face it – we aren’t spoiled to have throughout the year. It may therefore be good to know that you can cover your need through your diet too.

What function does D-vitamin serve?
The D-vitamin’s duty is to strengthen your immune system so that you can stay healthier. It contributes to the absorption of calcium in your bowels, necessary to keep your bones strong. In addition, the vitamin helps you keep a normal muscle function. In other words, there are numerous reasons to why you need D-vitamin.
What happens if you get too little?
Vitamin D deficiency may result in weakened immune system, exhaustion, tiredness, and pain in joints and muscles. These reasons themselves are good enough answers to why you need D-vitamin. Unfortunately, this deficiency isn’t abnormal in the northern hemisphere, especially in the winter. Because the sun doesn’t get high enough in the sky to let UVB-rays reach the surface of earth, we need to get our D-vitamin through our diet when winter is here.

Sources of D-vitamin
As mentioned, the most important D-vitamin source is the sun. Only a few minutes of sun exposure a day is enough for our skin to produce the D-vitamin necessary to fill our storage. The sun must be standing at least 30 degrees at the sky for UVB-rays to hit the earth’s surface, which is the reason why so many of us suffer from D-vitamin deficiency in wintertime. When the sun is not strong enough, you need to get the vitamin through your diet. Food rich in D-vitamin is salmon, trout, mackerel. You can also get D-vitamin supplement.

Why you need D-vitamin can be answered by the vitamin’s crucial role in keeping a functional immune system, strong bones, and normal muscle function. Besides, the sun is the most important source of D-vitamin, and with its gentle rays it gives love to both body and mind. Benefit even more from the sun by checking out Royal Tan, an advanced dietary supplement that may help you get a deep, lasting golden tan. Read more about Royal Tan here.