5 easy ways to get enough antioxidants

Antioxidants are the body’s helpers against sickness and disease. The chemical substance protects your cells against oxidation. You get many of the antioxidants through your diet and it is absolutely smart to get enough of them.

There are many ways to get enough antioxidants. The tiny miracle workers are found in a variety of foods and helps you stay healthy. Antioxidants are the body’s natural defense and the body produces quite a few enzymes itself to do the job. They prevent unnecessary damage and repair your cells when needed.


Why do we need antioxidants?

The chemical substances consist of enzymes produced by our body. These substances are supposed to help your body by keeping the cells strong and healthy. During the burning process within a cell, reactive oxygen species are created. These may oxidize and affect the cell. The creation of free radicals is completely natural but when those radicals become too many, they may cause trouble. This is where the antioxidants come in. They contradict the poison, protects the cells and repairs it when necessary.


Ways to get enough antioxidants

Your body need a refill of antioxidants for the immune system to function. Good sources of antioxidants are:

  • Berries – crowberries, blueberries and strawberries are tasty, simple ways to get enough antioxidants
  • Vegetables – especially broccoli, red cabbage and kale
  • Nuts and seeds – walnuts and sunflower seeds are especially rich in antioxidants
  • Fruits – such as citrus fruits, grapes and plums
get enough antioxidants
Blueberries give you tons of antioxidants.


Many types of antioxidants

There are thousands of different antioxidants. Amongst the most commonly known in our diet is riboflavin, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, zinc and copper. Carotenoids such as beta carotene and lycopene are also familiar. A way to remember is to think of color rich food as rich in antioxidants too. This has to do with the content of carotenoids, which is what gives the foods their strong color.


The easiest ways to get enough antioxidants

Getting enough antioxidants doesn’t have to be hard. If you are eating healthy and varied chances are you are covering your need already. If you get too little or simply want to ensure you do get enough, you may try some of these tricks:

  1. Smoothie for lunch. Smoothie have become increasingly popular and is a very effective way of getting nutritious meals. Make a smoothie with blueberries and strawberries, and you’ll have tons of antioxidants in a single meal.
  2. Top your yogurt with nuts. Walnuts and sunflower seeds are perfect sources of antioxidants. Put a handful of walnuts over your yogurt as an evening snack and complete it by some sunflower seeds.
  3. Keep half of your dinner plate green. Vegetables are very nutritious and the perfect of ways to get enough antioxidants. Carrots and broccoli are brilliant sources.
  4. Oatmeal for breakfast. It won’t just keep you satiated for long. The oat brings a solid dose of antioxidants too to help you stay healthy.
  5. Have a cup of coffee. The coffee beans hold antioxidants, so have your morning cup of coffee with the best conscious in the world. Not a coffee fan? Tea is also a good source and contain about the same number of antioxidants as coffee.
get enough antioxidants
Have a cup of coffee or tea to fill up on antioxidants.


Royal Tan – packed with the antioxidant beta carotene

Beta carotene is a strong antioxidant. The substance is found natural in color rich foods like carrots, broccoli and sweet potato. Beta carotene doesn’t just add antioxidants. It also allows you to get a deep, golden tan that lasts. The dietary supplement Royal Tan gives you a proper boost of beta carotene. In addition, the supplement contains several active ingredients that contributes to stronger, healthier skin, hair and nails. Antioxidants play a crucial role in the oxidation of cells and may protect against oxidative stress, giving you nicer, healthier skin as a result. Read more about Royal Tan here.



