10 tips to improve digestion and get healthier

Your body is dependent on the food you give it and must be able to utilize it. This happens through the digestion, which is affected by a range of factors. Check out these 10 tips to improve digestion and get healthier.


1: Eat fiber

Fiber is a necessity for a well-functioning digestion. There are two types: soluble fibers and insoluble fibers. They serve different roles in the digestion process and are equally important. Fibers are found in vegetables and wholegrain. Wholegrain products, fruits and greens will improve digestion.


improve digestion
Fiber is good for your digestion.

2: Drink enough water

Water is basic for most of our bodily functions, digestion being to exception. Make sure to get at least 6-8 glasses a day, even more if you’ve had a high activity level. Water helps dissolve fat and the soluble fibers, making sure your body gets the nutrition it needs.


3: Probiotics, yes please!

The healthy gut bacteria do a formidable job to improve digestion. They can be found in fermented dairy products and you can benefit from having some sour milk and yogurt in your diet to increase access.


4: Lemon

The acid from this yellow fruit contributes to increased stomach acid and helps break down the food in your stomach. Start your day by having a glass of water with lemon in it, and you give your digestion a boost!

improve digestion
Have a glass of delicious lemon water to improve your digestion.


5: exercise regularly

Movement is absolutely crucial to improve digestion. Exercise helps the food and nutrients move through the digestion system as well and contradicts constipation and other related plagues.


6: Limit alcohol consumption

Alcohol will steal the focus of your metabolism for as long as it is in your body. That means your fat burning is placed on hold and your digestion will not be able to clean up the rest of the nutrients until the alcohol is gone. Feel free to enjoy a glass from time to time but don’t let it become too much.


7: Reduce stress

Stress is a sinner in many levels. When your body is stressed, it releases stress hormones and causes several processes to get out of balance. Make sure to get your stress under control and regularly take your time to do activities that makes you relax and de-stress to improve digestion.


Improve digestion
Find an activity that makes you relax and de-stress.

8: Eat regularly

Regularly access to food improve digestion. Both blood sugar level and mood will be kept stable and your digestion will work steadily. Even your appetite is kept at a stable level if you eat regularly.


9: Eat lean meat

Your body is dependent on having proteins to build muscles and keep in shape. There are tons of proteins in meat and you should choose the leaner products to limit the amount of fat. Lean meat still gives you plenty of proteins and is more easily digested. Chicken, turkey and pork are good sources of protein.


10: Don’t exclude fat

Just as it depends on proteins, your body also needs fat. The problem doesn’t arise until you get too much of it. Having too much brings trouble to your digestion. To improve digestion, you should therefore ensure that you have just the right amount of fat in your diet.


Fish and seafood is rich in healthy fat. Why not throw some salmon on the grill this weekend?




